Monday, October 11, 2010

Does 3 Finger Sign Mean

leave of Bamberg

This afternoon was again instead of a Fehmarn shear Klönschnack - as on the last Wednesday of the cafe everyone in Burg, same time, same table. Ruth was there now instead Miech, which makes the time with her husband on holiday Fehmarn. Birgit, Hans Christian and I, we were three back. Nevertheless, I write today's blog "Fehmarn shear Klönschnack Episode 2". No, this is again a consequence of the new beach avenue stories. For today, the summer finally ends according to the calendar, you can hardly believe it, today was a beautiful sunny late summer day. As we We have some exciting days are behind us, and yesterday was a grand day. Just before we set off to the hairdresser, we got a good news for selling our home Bamberger. Could it be? I had it so desired, that in the few days that we will soon spend in Bamberg, can go to the notary. We went to the barber, were almost speechless with joy. Then we went for coffee and then drank a prosecco to celebrate a little. Even Hans Christian drank from his glass of Prosecco. In the evening we talked long with our best friends, who were stunned by this luck. Well, since we were a little tired today.

Then when we got everyone in the café, we were happy about the reunion with Miech and Birgit. In this Round, we had met in May for the last time, and Miech was quite amazed to Hans Christian's progress. Although he was now not as good as usual went. His therapist was on Monday did not come because of their move, and so had enough of our own little exercises. At noon I had called Miech, because we could not this time be on time. But I was looking forward to a relaxing afternoon with friends after an exciting eventful days.

We saw today is not the euphoria of the first meeting as the last Fehmarn's Klönschnack. But it was somehow so real "Fehmarn". We were already quite familiar, and the topics of conversation were We are not enough. Again there was a huge piece for each Gooseberry meringue pie and a pot of coffee - it will become a tradition now? It has done well and we continue determined.
Somehow, it fits as well but, now make another Klönschnack. I've been thinking about the blog - today is the end of the summer, a great summer on Fehmarn, which is of Hans Christian and me to major changes in our lives. We arrived at the beginning of summer in June to experience some nice summer weeks at sea. We found an exceptional therapist, said from our vacation and stayed here for us to decide, not to move to Fehmarn. Today, at last Day of this great summer, we've already bought a house and the move almost completely organized. And if all goes well, we have now sold our house.

I wrote today to a friend: Let us enjoy the good and pleasing in life that we have strength and courage, when times are a few dark days. I can take the time not my luck. I as a young teacher when I was with my school orchestra in France, learned: You have to challenge the good fortune that it has on his side. Sometimes I think now it's enough No one wants to be outrageous. But I still have an option after a phone call this afternoon ... More will not want to reveal.

When we finally left the cafe everyone, Hans Christian and I were tired a bit. Hans Christian found the Klönschnack "despite the three ladies' beautiful, but it was pretty exhausted when we got home. There I laid him on the sofa and he had his head for ten minutes to two tennis balls set, an exercise that had recommended his therapist. He then slept for two hours deep and peaceful. He was very good and a late dinner, he was quite cheerful again. I was drove to the shop and saw the return of the beach avenue that is now the fall was there. Because even a 20 clock it was dark, only the full moon shone in the sky. And it was very cool.

I'm looking forward to the fall and the winter here on the island. For a move provides new opportunities to make life meaningful. Carve it again to new things. Yesterday a lady from Bamberg has already asked if I would offer here on the island of times a treatment (s) stay - they would be happy. She was 58, an adult daughter, and she was "on the move". And already, new ideas. In the fall you have more time to think, and if next week does my new book, clearing the way for new projects.

But first we have to move. Next week we will arrange everything you need in Bamberg. And then we return to our island, which in this memorable summer finally become our home. And if we someday have cabin on the head, we make another Klönschnack Birgit - even without guests. Who wants to visit us but here on the island, we invite you to the bar everyone one. With gooseberry meringue pie and a delicious pot of coffee. Hans Christian and I thank Birgit Miech and for the warm friendship and for the beautiful Fehmarn's Klönschnack, where we now sat like old friends together and could find no end.
Beate Forsbach 22 September 2010

beach avenue VII: Late Summer's End the senior citizens 'club on the web


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