Sunday, January 23, 2011

Removing Salomon Helmet Ear Pieces

beach Allee 2 - Winter Blues

On Friday was our sunny island immersed in the dense fog. I wanted the first time in weeks go to the port Burgstaaken to buy fresh fish. On the small road from Neujellingsdorf by country churches we saw - nothing. Everything was gray, white - impenetrable - just mist. I remembered the poem by Hermann Hesse: I was thoughtful during the ride to the harbor. Are we really alone? Well, the fish seller was as always friendly and wish you a happy weekend. I wanted to go back to South Beach, turned into the "green way" one that leads to the beach avenue. Well, friends were not visible - but the car phone in our new car showed me the list of all my friends and I tapped on a trial basis I. - nothing happened, no one took off. Until I realized that I had dialed the wrong number. Now once typed - and my girlfriend came forward - happily as ever. "Drive carefully on the beautiful beach boulevard" she added. A flock of black birds sitting on the beach avenue and made her a welcome food. Almost a little unreal it was, but I stopped at the usual place and took a few photos.

was in our small apartment all the same, many little things remind me of the long busy summer, we had spent here. The ocean view but ended up in the fog. Nothing was seen. And so I drove back along the marina, where not a single boat in sight. Everything in the fog ...

Then back on the beach avenue - it occurred to me as I had described last year in May as a way to happiness. And now - fog. What this means for us on this gray January day? The world is not visible, the fog that envelops us and we can not tell the other way of life. What will bring this year? We know it yet, but directs the beach avenue us a little bit. She is still just "a Going My Way. "

Hermann Hesse is the case that "was full of friends the world to me, even as my life was light, now, is because of fog, no one is more visible." are My Friends not visible but still present. A contact list in the car phone and cell phone, and then finally back home to the computer. The senior citizens' club, I think the PN of a dear friend. She is truly alone, and around them is just fog. Her husband is in the operating room for many hours. You do not know when he comes out of surgery. She is sitting on pins and needles can think nothing, waiting for the time goes so it may again call in the hospital.
soon as I have read the PN, I choose to have their number. How nice that there is this way to find each other when you need to. There, everything is now in the mist - as it will be when her husband awoke after the operation. How will change the life, what changes will be needed? Will they go again in May on the beach avenue? I think it definitely - but it does at the moment only the fog. This uncertainty about the future, to be able to see in the dark no way that we have all seen it before. And still remain: faith, hope and confidence. It'll all be all right again! Because "you can not fall lower than in God Hand ". Hermann Hesse said: ". Truly, no one is wise who does not know the dark, the inescapable and quietly separates him from all"
very next day she experienced New Hope, discovered the power of love. He survived it, she has slept well, can visit him and give him courage and confidence. A long road lies ahead, but he no longer runs so completely in the dense fog. There are emerging opportunities, at least for the next few weeks.

The beach avenue was yesterday to see clearly again, she led my husband and me by on the test drive with our new car to the south beach, to the house with our apartment to the point where you can see the Fehmarn bridge. Hundreds of water birds have gathered in the open water, hoping that the remaining ice disappears soon and they swim happily around again and can find food.

My husband and I dream of spring on the south beach. At home we realize that this ride on the beach avenue was another way to happiness once! We have seen our island with very different eyes. In the wet fields were large flocks of swans, wild geese rose up and flew away cackling about us. At home, we phoned a dear friend who had just had a birthday. We planned our next meeting, and my husband and I arrived in the evening to new ideas. And I can not agree with the conclusion drawn by Hermann Hesse, who says: "Strangely, in the fog to hike! Life is loneliness. No man knows the other, everyone is alone. "

Dear friend, I wish you and your husband all the best! And I look forward to our reunion at the beach all!

Beate Forsbach Fehmarn, 16 January 2011
beach avenue in the fog in the senior citizens' club on the web


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