... obvious obstacle!
Actually, everything went well on the highway and on the way here in our headquarters ago. However, the traffic stopped suddenly, it was the traffic and so it went the next 15 km are times, times to go, a ride ... such times do about it all right, because they make you think. Is like in real life: it does not always go smoothly, but it is good if you are in motion and has one main thing that I with all drivers had in common this morning: we all had a goal, we knew arrive where we wanted.
are ... as a signal to a still sleeping world: it begins again a warmer period. How well can do these little hints ... and because it always gives pleasure to discover the world, we also want to go out again to young people to encourage people to discover a world that is created either by itself or by chance but by God intended!
If the buzz is on the court, then more so because we go out again soon. From tomorrow we are located in Filderstadt, the "community Congress two zero". Can also be found on the Internet at http://www.gemeindezweinull.org/
And what has impressed me today:
On the way here I made a short stop at the Highway Church Medenbach - so long because - and talked with Jesus, my highest boss about various things. And Ps
was opened 25 on the altar! That was an experience like the perception of crocuses: just did it good to have met my master.
When did you the last time you made consciously with Jesus? And what has brought you? We look forward to your report ...
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