Calling - ". I like to kill people" calling your name
Normally, I make no scrap term videos in here, but I would like to submit a impression of a brilliant evening.
A friend told me about, he would have won tickets to a concert Donots and wanted to take me.
The whole action was but a promo for a new console game, not the less amusing, and snacks and drinks were free. A pampering, quasi.
Then it was an hour Donots with us in the first row, center.
man has made it fun. I once knew
grade five songs, because I do not own the last two albums, but jut, head-shaking I can when I'm trapped. I was not previously aware of how much I missed this kind of concert. With Rumhüpfen, light and Gepoge Kopfschüttelei.
Messrs. Donots made very good mood and the handful of people, the place had as well.
particularly fascinating: two men, her guitar and her voice volume: Super Hero in the acoustic version in the middle of the seated audience.
That was something magical.
In November I am the way, with the youngest sister heart Donots together on a concert. Then, in a very large hall, so no more living room-feeling. I'm looking forward to it very much.
Until then
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Adapter Nikon Practica
beach avenue VII: Late summer end
few days ago I received an email in which Ruth / comet from the senior citizens' club (ST) told me that she wanted to visit her son in Bad Segeberg and until a week later would be in the ST.
On Wednesday morning, then everything went surprisingly fast with us, and we had already started by 14 clock if it had not just played a violent downpour. Hans Christian said: "Oh you always with your ST-girlfriends," but he was really excited. I pushed his wheelchair
from the parking lot by the Department store, then over the cobblestones of Ohrtstraße Café. There was only one stage, and I opened the door to ask a young man to help me. But we were told we could back way through the beer garden, go to the bar without a step.
said and done, the operation smiled at us, but where were my ST-girlfriends? I remembered that I had never seen Ruth, on her website she had a pretty decent photo. When I pushed Hans Christian's wheelchair through the café, I discovered at once Birgit's head behind a nice lady at a table near the door. They had held out for us to to help us to improve.
And right there was a warm welcome and embrace: Ruth beamed as we could not have seen just a few days. Her husband, Saul was pleased as well, Birgit and I, of course - and Hans Christian laughed happily in his wheelchair. In no time we sat together in a relaxed atmosphere and were in conversation. Not so easy to understand something in five vibrant and happy people.
The most important thing now was the selection of the cake - the Café offers everyone homemade cakes and pies. Birgit recommended gooseberry meringue, I went to Hans Christian times until the pie counter. Great cakes were on display there, I also chose gooseberry meringue - a huge slice of cake on a plate was loaded. And Hans Christian? He who does not like cream, he says, also chose gooseberry meringue.
Later, he allowed himself the huge pie taste, despite or because of the cream, while we did not three STlerinnen whether we should prefer to eat or talk. There were delicious coffee in large cups to - it took a lot to drink, so dried out, not the vocal cords. Is that it? One has never seen, and plunged right in intense conversation. eaten
When our two men had their pieces of cake, they interfered in our Klönschnack. We learned that the name of Ruth's husband after Saul Peruvian way his own family name and maiden name of his mother included. Ruth wore their German maiden name and family name of her husband and her son? I really do not matter at all, so far we have spoken, even on German compound names. Our beautiful island of Fehmarn
was also a fruitful topic of conversation, the "big book on Fehmarn," Outsourcing in the Café, offered especially for Saul very much of interest, what Birgit as old-established Fehmaranerin told him happy.
The most beautiful theme but was our ST - because you know what "Klönschnack" means? Man klönt and schnackt - you sit comfortably together, chatting with friends and acquaintances - and also through friends and acquaintances. A Klönschnack is very cozy, and we took more than three hours. The charming café had filled up again was a bit empty, new people came and we were still sitting at Klönschnack.
Now we have not chatted three hours only on the ST. Even Hans Christian and my impending move to the island of Fehmarn was an issue. At the end of the food was already planned for the housewarming ...
What surprised me was, once again, the warmth and intimacy with which we have chatted on this pleasant afternoon and chatted - even though we We had learned to know but just personally. Only Birgit, Hans Christian and I knew from previous meetings. Ruth and Saul were Mittenmang it, as if we were good friends for a long time.
Hans Christian worked for over three hours pleased and happy, that was his first trip was in a wheelchair in the capital of our island! And the Fehmarn Klönschnack with my ST friends had dropped him and apparently doing well.
If you get your appetite - on our beautiful sunny island, a delicious piece of cake or a Fehmarn Klönschnack, then comes over here to us in the cafe to everyone in Burg Fehmarn!
Hans Christian and I would like to thank Bill, Ruth and Saul for this exciting and inspiring evening!
Forsbach Beate, 16 September 2010
Fehmarn shear Klönschnack in senior citizens' club on the web
few days ago I received an email in which Ruth / comet from the senior citizens' club (ST) told me that she wanted to visit her son in Bad Segeberg and until a week later would be in the ST.
Bad Segeberg is only an hour from Fehmarn, we sometimes are there to a large furniture store. So I wrote, why Ruth did not even come to a meeting in Fehmarn. In its answer, I learned that she wanted to meet on Wednesday between 14 und 15 clock in the café with everyone in Castle Birgit / piggies, I could come to that. Even Bill wrote me this
Even Hans Christian took a fancy to come along, so I wrote that we could certainly not 15 as his clock. For he is sometimes slow. I drove by there before that, was looking for a wheelchair-accessible parking lot and saw two stages at the door to the cafe. Anyway, I thought, why not? A café Everyone will surely also be accessible for a wheelchair. from the parking lot by the Department store, then over the cobblestones of Ohrtstraße Café. There was only one stage, and I opened the door to ask a young man to help me. But we were told we could back way through the beer garden, go to the bar without a step.
said and done, the operation smiled at us, but where were my ST-girlfriends? I remembered that I had never seen Ruth, on her website she had a pretty decent photo. When I pushed Hans Christian's wheelchair through the café, I discovered at once Birgit's head behind a nice lady at a table near the door. They had held out for us to to help us to improve.
And right there was a warm welcome and embrace: Ruth beamed as we could not have seen just a few days. Her husband, Saul was pleased as well, Birgit and I, of course - and Hans Christian laughed happily in his wheelchair. In no time we sat together in a relaxed atmosphere and were in conversation. Not so easy to understand something in five vibrant and happy people.
The most important thing now was the selection of the cake - the Café offers everyone homemade cakes and pies. Birgit recommended gooseberry meringue, I went to Hans Christian times until the pie counter. Great cakes were on display there, I also chose gooseberry meringue - a huge slice of cake on a plate was loaded. And Hans Christian? He who does not like cream, he says, also chose gooseberry meringue.
Later, he allowed himself the huge pie taste, despite or because of the cream, while we did not three STlerinnen whether we should prefer to eat or talk. There were delicious coffee in large cups to - it took a lot to drink, so dried out, not the vocal cords. Is that it? One has never seen, and plunged right in intense conversation. eaten
When our two men had their pieces of cake, they interfered in our Klönschnack. We learned that the name of Ruth's husband after Saul Peruvian way his own family name and maiden name of his mother included. Ruth wore their German maiden name and family name of her husband and her son? I really do not matter at all, so far we have spoken, even on German compound names. Our beautiful island of Fehmarn
was also a fruitful topic of conversation, the "big book on Fehmarn," Outsourcing in the Café, offered especially for Saul very much of interest, what Birgit as old-established Fehmaranerin told him happy.
Now we have not chatted three hours only on the ST. Even Hans Christian and my impending move to the island of Fehmarn was an issue. At the end of the food was already planned for the housewarming ...
What surprised me was, once again, the warmth and intimacy with which we have chatted on this pleasant afternoon and chatted - even though we We had learned to know but just personally. Only Birgit, Hans Christian and I knew from previous meetings. Ruth and Saul were Mittenmang it, as if we were good friends for a long time.
Hans Christian worked for over three hours pleased and happy, that was his first trip was in a wheelchair in the capital of our island! And the Fehmarn Klönschnack with my ST friends had dropped him and apparently doing well.
If you get your appetite - on our beautiful sunny island, a delicious piece of cake or a Fehmarn Klönschnack, then comes over here to us in the cafe to everyone in Burg Fehmarn!
Hans Christian and I would like to thank Bill, Ruth and Saul for this exciting and inspiring evening!
Forsbach Beate, 16 September 2010
Fehmarn shear Klönschnack in senior citizens' club on the web
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Odcinek 304 M Jak Milosc Onbline
Fehmarn shear Klönschnack
This blog is intended to show courage and take back: "It is always an alternative ....."
are already many weeks ago, my blog that I "beach avenue II: A way of hope" have written. We are still on Fehmarn, and we're still driving every Monday and Thursday across the alley from the beach south beach from over the whole island until after Westermarkelsdorf. There is the thatched roofed house of our therapist, who runs a practice for holistic healing.
Birgit had from Fehmarn told me the address that they had found in the local advertising paper "reporter" because I was looking for a way for the Craniosacral therapy. This therapist was, as I now know, very surprised by my call - because her husband had had the same disease as my husband. And they knew that the craniosacral therapy could help him. It confirmed my opinion that the treatment methods at the University Hospital could not be effective. With a lumbar puncture can be, it can ameliorate the symptoms in the short term, but achieve a cure. The drugs could be counterproductive, since the corresponding disease was indeed excluded by the investigations.
treated since the beginning of July, my husband twice a week for 90 minutes, with the Craniosacral therapy, magnetic resonance therapy, singing bowl therapy, with loving attention and discussions. Gradually to provide a small success, in tiny little steps it goes ahead. My husband usually sleeps and enjoys the treatment, afterwards he always feels very good. I have had many interesting conversations with the therapist to learn many new things and am very grateful for this enrichment. Marry me asked a few weeks after the first blog on the topic: "What actually is the correct diagnosis?" And I repeat here my answer: The diagnosis of my husband is: Normal pressure (NPH), or age, intracranial pressure. Unfortunately, this is probably not very explored, we know not where that comes from. It has in the University Hospital not interested in that. The link leads to an informative lecture.
The NPH leads to congestion of brain water, which a lot of pressure is exerted on the brain. In this way the three main symptoms: gait disturbance, urinary incontinence and dementia. The school physician perform a lumbar puncture, and nerve or brain water in the lower Back is tapped, which reduces the pressure. But the cause of the malfunction is not sought, and it comes after a short time to the same problems.
The craniosacral Craniosacral therapy affects the circulatory, nervous, the cycle of water in the human body. This is regulated and normalized, so the symptoms subside. Blockages in the body are detected and removed.
Some of these heavy blocks got my husband appeared at the last visit to the University Hospital. For despite his serious illness, shingles on the face, probably caused by the stress of examinations, a failed rehab, etc. , it was by two physiotherapists with violence dragged out of bed and forced to move. However, he defended himself, and so was probably this body trauma. And the longer he sat in a wheelchair and dependent on outside help was, the worse were his movement blocks.
Now we need a lot of patience, and as a therapy will probably need him for the rest of his life. I hope, for many years, for the NPH is actually not so dangerous, there are more everyday complaints that seem disturbing.
the way, anyone can learn the basic techniques of craniosacral therapy, applied to himself and the partner. I will try and practice it. Some exercises I have already learned that we make to the treatment-free days. came
Over the summer it more serious decisions in our lives that can be found in the beach alley-blog: First, we canceled our vacation in the Dolomites, for then we would first travel to Bamberg, and later in must make the mountains. That would have been very stressful for my husband and the success of therapy might be abrogated. Some time later, we decided, for ever on the island of Fehmarn to live. We searched a house here and will soon move our primary residence of Bamberg to Fehmarn.
It was also a way to Health: For instead often make long trips in the car to have, we can now remain in place. My husband gets the good, always to be in the same environment, experience more stress and no stress. For hotel accommodation on the trip brought to him again and again the need to have to adjust to a new environment. Even for me it was quite stressful, because my husband can not enter themselves into the car still move independently. The wheelchair is our indispensable tool. If I am less stressed and more relaxed, that's good for my husband
A way to health but also the good climate is the sea, it is quiet here on the south beach, except for the sound of the sea, the wind and the screeching of seagulls. We sleep a lot and live quite comfortably. We eat simple meals, with fruit and vegetables from the island, and lots of fish which it is fresh every day in port Burgstaaken. And (almost) every day the sun shines, at least a few hours. Furthermore
with the experience of nature to the health: Every day we see beautiful cloud formations over the sea looking at the yachts and fishing boats, watching the seagulls and smaller birds that come to our balcony. Monday and Thursday, we take pleasure in driving around the island on the beautiful landscape, which gradually changed from summer to early autumn. For this we listen to classical music on NDR 2, further soft tension and discomfort, because it took a nap again goes to the therapist.
And one more thing: We had the courage to start treatment in a practice of alternative healing, even though we had informed the insurance company, they would not reimburse the costs. When success is noticeable after the first ten treatments made, I formulated a letter and asked for a refund. Because this treatment is much cheaper than repeated hospital stays. It was a big surprise when the insurance company and the benefits office treatment reimbursed.
Now we are only two races to Westermarkelsdorf, because our therapist will move to Lübeck. But they will come twice a week to Fehmarn to treat my husband at home and continue the work in their groups. We will soon go back to Bamberg for a short time to organize our move to the island.
I never had it when we arrived on the island on 24th June thought possible that the beach avenue we have new ways to health and we would bring a great change in our lives. I am grateful for this coincidence!
And I thank all dear friends here and in the ST for their comments, messages, poems, pictures, calls and gifts, my husband and with whom they have considered me in these weeks of a wonderful summer. This has contributed to health - to that of Hans Christian and to my own! Thanks for your interest and for reading!
Beate Forsbach, 9 September 2010
Normal pressure
beach avenue VI: Pathways to health in senior citizens' club on the web
This blog is intended to show courage and take back: "It is always an alternative ....."
treated since the beginning of July, my husband twice a week for 90 minutes, with the Craniosacral therapy, magnetic resonance therapy, singing bowl therapy, with loving attention and discussions. Gradually to provide a small success, in tiny little steps it goes ahead. My husband usually sleeps and enjoys the treatment, afterwards he always feels very good. I have had many interesting conversations with the therapist to learn many new things and am very grateful for this enrichment. Marry me asked a few weeks after the first blog on the topic: "What actually is the correct diagnosis?" And I repeat here my answer: The diagnosis of my husband is: Normal pressure (NPH), or age, intracranial pressure. Unfortunately, this is probably not very explored, we know not where that comes from. It has in the University Hospital not interested in that. The link leads to an informative lecture.
The NPH leads to congestion of brain water, which a lot of pressure is exerted on the brain. In this way the three main symptoms: gait disturbance, urinary incontinence and dementia. The school physician perform a lumbar puncture, and nerve or brain water in the lower Back is tapped, which reduces the pressure. But the cause of the malfunction is not sought, and it comes after a short time to the same problems.
The craniosacral Craniosacral therapy affects the circulatory, nervous, the cycle of water in the human body. This is regulated and normalized, so the symptoms subside. Blockages in the body are detected and removed.
Some of these heavy blocks got my husband appeared at the last visit to the University Hospital. For despite his serious illness, shingles on the face, probably caused by the stress of examinations, a failed rehab, etc. , it was by two physiotherapists with violence dragged out of bed and forced to move. However, he defended himself, and so was probably this body trauma. And the longer he sat in a wheelchair and dependent on outside help was, the worse were his movement blocks.
Now we need a lot of patience, and as a therapy will probably need him for the rest of his life. I hope, for many years, for the NPH is actually not so dangerous, there are more everyday complaints that seem disturbing.
the way, anyone can learn the basic techniques of craniosacral therapy, applied to himself and the partner. I will try and practice it. Some exercises I have already learned that we make to the treatment-free days. came
Over the summer it more serious decisions in our lives that can be found in the beach alley-blog: First, we canceled our vacation in the Dolomites, for then we would first travel to Bamberg, and later in must make the mountains. That would have been very stressful for my husband and the success of therapy might be abrogated. Some time later, we decided, for ever on the island of Fehmarn to live. We searched a house here and will soon move our primary residence of Bamberg to Fehmarn.
It was also a way to Health: For instead often make long trips in the car to have, we can now remain in place. My husband gets the good, always to be in the same environment, experience more stress and no stress. For hotel accommodation on the trip brought to him again and again the need to have to adjust to a new environment. Even for me it was quite stressful, because my husband can not enter themselves into the car still move independently. The wheelchair is our indispensable tool. If I am less stressed and more relaxed, that's good for my husband
A way to health but also the good climate is the sea, it is quiet here on the south beach, except for the sound of the sea, the wind and the screeching of seagulls. We sleep a lot and live quite comfortably. We eat simple meals, with fruit and vegetables from the island, and lots of fish which it is fresh every day in port Burgstaaken. And (almost) every day the sun shines, at least a few hours. Furthermore
with the experience of nature to the health: Every day we see beautiful cloud formations over the sea looking at the yachts and fishing boats, watching the seagulls and smaller birds that come to our balcony. Monday and Thursday, we take pleasure in driving around the island on the beautiful landscape, which gradually changed from summer to early autumn. For this we listen to classical music on NDR 2, further soft tension and discomfort, because it took a nap again goes to the therapist.
And one more thing: We had the courage to start treatment in a practice of alternative healing, even though we had informed the insurance company, they would not reimburse the costs. When success is noticeable after the first ten treatments made, I formulated a letter and asked for a refund. Because this treatment is much cheaper than repeated hospital stays. It was a big surprise when the insurance company and the benefits office treatment reimbursed.
Now we are only two races to Westermarkelsdorf, because our therapist will move to Lübeck. But they will come twice a week to Fehmarn to treat my husband at home and continue the work in their groups. We will soon go back to Bamberg for a short time to organize our move to the island.
I never had it when we arrived on the island on 24th June thought possible that the beach avenue we have new ways to health and we would bring a great change in our lives. I am grateful for this coincidence!
And I thank all dear friends here and in the ST for their comments, messages, poems, pictures, calls and gifts, my husband and with whom they have considered me in these weeks of a wonderful summer. This has contributed to health - to that of Hans Christian and to my own! Thanks for your interest and for reading!
Beate Forsbach, 9 September 2010
Normal pressure
beach avenue VI: Pathways to health in senior citizens' club on the web
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Low Sensitive Cervix?
beach avenue VI: Pathways to Health
seven weeks, we are now here on our sunny island. Now it was time - Hans Christian times had a haircut. Since we are used to go to the hairdresser in the city, it would be added may be difficult with the wheelchair. I had a Hairdresser herself on the South Beach boardwalk and so we went there today. The whole promenade from the marina up to the three high-rises. Hans Christian was not particularly excited just yet was because of his failed nap on the sofa.
And there I was with a blue and white striped beach chair and I asked spontaneously: Will you put into it, you there? Oh yes, Hans Christian wanted to. Quite easily, he was in my arms on the wheelchair and had to sit in the beach chair - after a "little waltz turn," as I call the 180-degree turn always. Really happy he was until I sat down next to him in the beach chair.
I ordered two ice cream for us and thought of the last visit to the ice cream parlor for four or five weeks ago, when it still was difficult for my husband, ever lead to the spoon to the mouth. And now he was leaning back smiling and happy in the beach chair, the tiny little table stood some distance away. Would he be able to eat ice cream here at all? I said yes he could put in one of the comfortable wicker chairs. No, he did not want.
And what happened next felt like a small miracle: My husband beamed across the beautiful ice-cream, leaned over and spooned be ice, quietly and with great enjoyment. Almost nothing spills on his bright trousers. With growing amazement I watched as he sat straight and without back there, no how else to fall back, and as he calmly led the spoon to her mouth. Relieved, I ordered a sparkling wine, which tasted to me as good as ever.
The sun came out again all over and beamed at us, we both sat warm and cozy in the beach chair. We looked at the beach promenade, watching the walkers, the children saw while playing in a small toy helicopter over to. Here we had never sat, it was a beautiful new perspective, a new experience in our island.
I remembered my first trip to Fehmarn, when I'm gone on arrival always first and foremost on the beach promenade, and I inhaled the good sea air. And I told Hans Christian, as I was then moved in the autumn on the beach and sat in one of the few remaining from the summer beach chairs had - sheltered in the October sun.
I thought of the house that had fallen the day before us so well, and where a blue-white beach chair stood on the terrace. Yesterday I had thought that what we do with a beach chair! But now - happy to sit in a beach chair and look into your own garden, which was published We both beautiful. And we talked about our possible move soon to Fehmarn were pleased us both out.
How warm the sun was at this early evening - hard to believe, but yesterday, where it had rained so much that it was believed that it never listen to again. But today was pretty mild August weather again - this is the peculiarity of the climate here on the sunny island. It stays warm, even after a rainy day. The sky is blue, the sun is shining and the beach are the last swimmers in the water for some sailing boats.
We were once quite sure that we have made the right decision, not to move to the island. To 19 clock we broke up, because I did not buy fish at the harbor for dinner. We went merrily on the beach promenade, which means I ran and pushed the wheelchair my husband would have sung the most. My husband probably because he smiled at the people on the road and said hello to them cheerfully.
Fast banal this story? One might think. Luck is not very simple, almost banal? When we were at home in our little apartment, our luck was enhanced by a wonderfully bright evening sky. Later, it was delicious smoked fish for dinner, I had taken the port Burgstaaken. On the way back on the beach avenue I could see the sunset, we then at the end of this beautiful day enjoyed with dinner.
Forsbach Beate, 13 August 2010
articles and discussion forum on the internet Seniorentreff
beach avenue V - Happy in a beach chair in the senior citizens' club on the web
seven weeks, we are now here on our sunny island. Now it was time - Hans Christian times had a haircut. Since we are used to go to the hairdresser in the city, it would be added may be difficult with the wheelchair. I had a Hairdresser herself on the South Beach boardwalk and so we went there today. The whole promenade from the marina up to the three high-rises. Hans Christian was not particularly excited just yet was because of his failed nap on the sofa.
The hairdresser was very nice and embellished Hans Christian in a short time. Now he also liked feeling better'm no longer in the tooth gap that oppresses him for some time. In high spirits we set out on the way home on the South Beach boardwalk. The late afternoon sun came out from behind the clouds and shone in our faces. My husband was looking forward to the many people who were on the promenade. Many families with smaller and older children were there.
And then I asked, do you eat an ice cream? Oh yes, he wanted to. Such a reward for the haircut, it had previously always been when we went to the hairdresser in the city. Back there on the beach castle, the big apartment house, there is an Italian ice cream parlor. Since we wanted to eat ice cream together. I ordered two ice cream for us and thought of the last visit to the ice cream parlor for four or five weeks ago, when it still was difficult for my husband, ever lead to the spoon to the mouth. And now he was leaning back smiling and happy in the beach chair, the tiny little table stood some distance away. Would he be able to eat ice cream here at all? I said yes he could put in one of the comfortable wicker chairs. No, he did not want.
And what happened next felt like a small miracle: My husband beamed across the beautiful ice-cream, leaned over and spooned be ice, quietly and with great enjoyment. Almost nothing spills on his bright trousers. With growing amazement I watched as he sat straight and without back there, no how else to fall back, and as he calmly led the spoon to her mouth. Relieved, I ordered a sparkling wine, which tasted to me as good as ever.
The sun came out again all over and beamed at us, we both sat warm and cozy in the beach chair. We looked at the beach promenade, watching the walkers, the children saw while playing in a small toy helicopter over to. Here we had never sat, it was a beautiful new perspective, a new experience in our island.
I remembered my first trip to Fehmarn, when I'm gone on arrival always first and foremost on the beach promenade, and I inhaled the good sea air. And I told Hans Christian, as I was then moved in the autumn on the beach and sat in one of the few remaining from the summer beach chairs had - sheltered in the October sun.
I thought of the house that had fallen the day before us so well, and where a blue-white beach chair stood on the terrace. Yesterday I had thought that what we do with a beach chair! But now - happy to sit in a beach chair and look into your own garden, which was published We both beautiful. And we talked about our possible move soon to Fehmarn were pleased us both out.

We were once quite sure that we have made the right decision, not to move to the island. To 19 clock we broke up, because I did not buy fish at the harbor for dinner. We went merrily on the beach promenade, which means I ran and pushed the wheelchair my husband would have sung the most. My husband probably because he smiled at the people on the road and said hello to them cheerfully.
Fast banal this story? One might think. Luck is not very simple, almost banal? When we were at home in our little apartment, our luck was enhanced by a wonderfully bright evening sky. Later, it was delicious smoked fish for dinner, I had taken the port Burgstaaken. On the way back on the beach avenue I could see the sunset, we then at the end of this beautiful day enjoyed with dinner.
Forsbach Beate, 13 August 2010
beach avenue V - Happy in a beach chair in the senior citizens' club on the web
Rogers Homelong Distance Rates
(the original sound is or something like that;)
Today I was at the Derek Landy (the author of my favorite youth book series Skulduggery Pleasant ) - reading.
Rainer Strecker read passages from the newly published in Germany 4 Part of the series before (as I appeared recently in the fifth volume in English was in the hands ^ ^) and he has done pretty well, I think. Different voices, he was the best and a smooth but it has the Darth Vader sound. Uh, well.
The author was well on it, answered various questions, made many jokes, and listened patiently when Strecker lectured in German, although he did not understand a word.
you can surely remember, after all, it is not so long ago that I had made a patch for my white blazer.
Such was the of:
He had taken his place on the back of the jacket and wore my jacket I walk the first time today and joar, so I was like other fans (who were immediately by four to five years younger) is detected.
I found nice, so you could bypass the waiting time well and gave a piece of cake's too.
The reading itself was a good idea, I liked the layout of pre-supporting members, followed by question and answer session in the change very well, that was a good mix.
Well, after this mixture, we went to the much-awaited Signierrunde uuuuuuund I noticed because I use the latest band to sign held out.
The offer to me to betray the end I struck out. I'm not sure how serious the offer was. ^ ^ I used
but the opportunity when I could already hear not the end of the latest book or wanted to turn my back Landy and show him my patch. It was pretty proud of it and yet he thought it was cool too, because he pulled out his cell phone and had to photograph it, gave me an extra badges and even signed a card with "For my best friend."
Hehehe. To the passers I cycled past with a "hehehe" on the lips.
So, my second patch is already long finished, but not yet moved to the jacket. But because I am fond of you, you are allowed to look at him you:
The image is not the screamer ... I photograph my jacket as soon as the patch is on it. Okay?
rumtanzen whom can I do with my jacket in his face? Thomas Fritsch ?
Had someone proposals in this regard?
Today I was at the Derek Landy (the author of my favorite youth book series Skulduggery Pleasant ) - reading.
Rainer Strecker read passages from the newly published in Germany 4 Part of the series before (as I appeared recently in the fifth volume in English was in the hands ^ ^) and he has done pretty well, I think. Different voices, he was the best and a smooth but it has the Darth Vader sound. Uh, well.
The author was well on it, answered various questions, made many jokes, and listened patiently when Strecker lectured in German, although he did not understand a word.
you can surely remember, after all, it is not so long ago that I had made a patch for my white blazer.
Such was the of:

He had taken his place on the back of the jacket and wore my jacket I walk the first time today and joar, so I was like other fans (who were immediately by four to five years younger) is detected.
I found nice, so you could bypass the waiting time well and gave a piece of cake's too.
The reading itself was a good idea, I liked the layout of pre-supporting members, followed by question and answer session in the change very well, that was a good mix.
Well, after this mixture, we went to the much-awaited Signierrunde uuuuuuund I noticed because I use the latest band to sign held out.
The offer to me to betray the end I struck out. I'm not sure how serious the offer was. ^ ^ I used
but the opportunity when I could already hear not the end of the latest book or wanted to turn my back Landy and show him my patch. It was pretty proud of it and yet he thought it was cool too, because he pulled out his cell phone and had to photograph it, gave me an extra badges and even signed a card with "For my best friend."
Hehehe. To the passers I cycled past with a "hehehe" on the lips.
So, my second patch is already long finished, but not yet moved to the jacket. But because I am fond of you, you are allowed to look at him you:

The image is not the screamer ... I photograph my jacket as soon as the patch is on it. Okay?
rumtanzen whom can I do with my jacket in his face? Thomas Fritsch ?
Had someone proposals in this regard?
Friday, September 3, 2010
Jacek Janowski Pyskowice
"flutter flutter flutter flutter flutter *
Painfully I miss my terror trio. I would love it umtüddeln something while they hold my family in the living room by volume from TV, and wait with them that my-our room is habitable again. Due to the heavy rains the water that is standing in front of my windows half a meter high, and they carried it in my room. My
"High-Tech Tower" has been exposed (if anyone has a to give away TVs, DVD player, alarm clock and a phone is: bring it on), the rest of my room it is supposed to go well, even if the moment is to dominate a tropical climate. Therefore prefer to send a hurried prayer to your god that all my books and my shoes and stay dry and Caravaggio uncorrugated.
Back to the birds: I know why one of my birds is so half-naked: a genetic defect is to blame! Months parents were probably closely related to what this has caused. wished I had been wondering much that bald Months do not spread. This type of defect affects the back and belly (Month and the wing base) and does not look nice But otherwise (apart from the increased risk of injury) not a problem.
's good. Then my dearest will continue to rotate his many rounds.
* This is my little sister always said, when their flying ponies . And "racing racing racing racing" if they ran. Hach yes.
And now she plays solitaire all day and make phone calls.
Painfully I miss my terror trio. I would love it umtüddeln something while they hold my family in the living room by volume from TV, and wait with them that my-our room is habitable again. Due to the heavy rains the water that is standing in front of my windows half a meter high, and they carried it in my room. My
"High-Tech Tower" has been exposed (if anyone has a to give away TVs, DVD player, alarm clock and a phone is: bring it on), the rest of my room it is supposed to go well, even if the moment is to dominate a tropical climate. Therefore prefer to send a hurried prayer to your god that all my books and my shoes and stay dry and Caravaggio uncorrugated.
Back to the birds: I know why one of my birds is so half-naked: a genetic defect is to blame! Months parents were probably closely related to what this has caused. wished I had been wondering much that bald Months do not spread. This type of defect affects the back and belly (Month and the wing base) and does not look nice But otherwise (apart from the increased risk of injury) not a problem.
's good. Then my dearest will continue to rotate his many rounds.

* This is my little sister always said, when their flying ponies . And "racing racing racing racing" if they ran. Hach yes.
And now she plays solitaire all day and make phone calls.
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