few days ago I received an email in which Ruth / comet from the senior citizens' club (ST) told me that she wanted to visit her son in Bad Segeberg and until a week later would be in the ST. Even Hans Christian took a fancy to come along, so I wrote that we could certainly not 15 as his clock. For he is sometimes slow. I drove by there before that, was looking for a wheelchair-accessible parking lot and saw two stages at the door to the cafe. Anyway, I thought, why not? A café Everyone will surely also be accessible for a wheelchair.
from the parking lot by the Department store, then over the cobblestones of Ohrtstraße Café. There was only one stage, and I opened the door to ask a young man to help me. But we were told we could back way through the beer garden, go to the bar without a step.
said and done, the operation smiled at us, but where were my ST-girlfriends? I remembered that I had never seen Ruth, on her website she had a pretty decent photo. When I pushed Hans Christian's wheelchair through the café, I discovered at once Birgit's head behind a nice lady at a table near the door. They had held out for us to to help us to improve.
And right there was a warm welcome and embrace: Ruth beamed as we could not have seen just a few days. Her husband, Saul was pleased as well, Birgit and I, of course - and Hans Christian laughed happily in his wheelchair. In no time we sat together in a relaxed atmosphere and were in conversation. Not so easy to understand something in five vibrant and happy people.
The most important thing now was the selection of the cake - the Café offers everyone homemade cakes and pies. Birgit recommended gooseberry meringue, I went to Hans Christian times until the pie counter. Great cakes were on display there, I also chose gooseberry meringue - a huge slice of cake on a plate was loaded. And Hans Christian? He who does not like cream, he says, also chose gooseberry meringue.
Later, he allowed himself the huge pie taste, despite or because of the cream, while we did not three STlerinnen whether we should prefer to eat or talk. There were delicious coffee in large cups to - it took a lot to drink, so dried out, not the vocal cords. Is that it? One has never seen, and plunged right in intense conversation. eaten
When our two men had their pieces of cake, they interfered in our Klönschnack. We learned that the name of Ruth's husband after Saul Peruvian way his own family name and maiden name of his mother included. Ruth wore their German maiden name and family name of her husband and her son? I really do not matter at all, so far we have spoken, even on German compound names. Our beautiful island of Fehmarn
was also a fruitful topic of conversation, the "big book on Fehmarn," Outsourcing in the Café, offered especially for Saul very much of interest, what Birgit as old-established Fehmaranerin told him happy.
Now we have not chatted three hours only on the ST. Even Hans Christian and my impending move to the island of Fehmarn was an issue. At the end of the food was already planned for the housewarming ...
What surprised me was, once again, the warmth and intimacy with which we have chatted on this pleasant afternoon and chatted - even though we We had learned to know but just personally. Only Birgit, Hans Christian and I knew from previous meetings. Ruth and Saul were Mittenmang it, as if we were good friends for a long time.
Hans Christian worked for over three hours pleased and happy, that was his first trip was in a wheelchair in the capital of our island! And the Fehmarn Klönschnack with my ST friends had dropped him and apparently doing well.
If you get your appetite - on our beautiful sunny island, a delicious piece of cake or a Fehmarn Klönschnack, then comes over here to us in the cafe to everyone in Burg Fehmarn!
Hans Christian and I would like to thank Bill, Ruth and Saul for this exciting and inspiring evening!
Forsbach Beate, 16 September 2010
Fehmarn shear Klönschnack in senior citizens' club on the web
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