Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rogers Homelong Distance Rates

(the original sound is or something like that;)

Today I was at the Derek Landy (the author of my favorite youth book series Skulduggery Pleasant ) - reading.
Rainer Strecker read passages from the newly published in Germany 4 Part of the series before (as I appeared recently in the fifth volume in English was in the hands ^ ^) and he has done pretty well, I think. Different voices, he was the best and a smooth but it has the Darth Vader sound. Uh, well.
The author was well on it, answered various questions, made many jokes, and listened patiently when Strecker lectured in German, although he did not understand a word.
you can surely remember, after all, it is not so long ago that I had made a patch for my white blazer.
Such was the of:
He had taken his place on the back of the jacket and wore my jacket I walk the first time today and joar, so I was like other fans (who were immediately by four to five years younger) is detected.
I found nice, so you could bypass the waiting time well and gave a piece of cake's too.
The reading itself was a good idea, I liked the layout of pre-supporting members, followed by question and answer session in the change very well, that was a good mix.
Well, after this mixture, we went to the much-awaited Signierrunde uuuuuuund I noticed because I use the latest band to sign held out.
The offer to me to betray the end I struck out. I'm not sure how serious the offer was. ^ ^ I used
but the opportunity when I could already hear not the end of the latest book or wanted to turn my back Landy and show him my patch. It was pretty proud of it and yet he thought it was cool too, because he pulled out his cell phone and had to photograph it, gave me an extra badges and even signed a card with "For my best friend."
Hehehe. To the passers I cycled past with a "hehehe" on the lips.

So, my second patch is already long finished, but not yet moved to the jacket. But because I am fond of you, you are allowed to look at him you:

The image is not the screamer ... I photograph my jacket as soon as the patch is on it. Okay?

rumtanzen whom can I do with my jacket in his face? Thomas Fritsch ?

Had someone proposals in this regard?


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