Monday, February 7, 2011

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Henryk's first book of poems in German

the author of this book of poems I learned in summer 2009 at the Internet forum "senior citizens' club" to know. Henryk Kaletka had registered there to his to improve German language skills. For he was indeed born in 1942 in Germany, but had lost the war without his fault his home. She's always been his heart and he wrote on his homepage on the senior citizens' club: "For 5 years I am learning German. I love Germany. "As a hobby he gave to the teaching of German language, he also likes mathematics and philosophy. In particular, Kant was repeatedly mentioned by him.

My first contact with Henryk Kaletka took place exactly at the time when my husband was in hospital. Every morning I found a tiny message in my mailbox. Although Henry wanted to practice the German language, but they were very gracious messages I da received, and where my husband he always wanted a speedy recovery. This unknown man from Poland, Silesia, formerly sent small humane messages of encouragement, hope and faith.

"You can not imagine how hard it was for me," he said later. Henryk had never offended if you told him his fault, it was just like he was just waiting. He got a lot of support, learning more and soon found the courage to publish his own poems in German. The response was very friendly, and again there were nice people, which he made suggestions for improving language of his poems. His poem "World Perfume" he had dedicated to my husband, it was 2010 in my book "Living alone is not enough" was published.

Henryk Kaletka got joy in publishing, I was asked repeatedly to publish a poetry book of the senior citizens' club. His poems in the blog of the senior clubs were increasingly popular. I learned that he was the poet Joseph von Eichendorff like very much, who was born in 1788 at Castle Lubowitz at Ratibor in Upper Silesia - just 5 km from Henryk birth Rudnik.

I particularly like reading his philosophical poems about the life that is so heavy and short, as he says. But he makes much of his life. In gratitude, that he attended the University for Senior Citizens Rybnik in the basics could learn the German language, he works there now for other people.

A high point in Henryk's life was certainly his trip to Germany in June 2010, which resulted in including in the Eifel, on the Moselle and to Cologne, where he could finally see his beloved cathedral. Henry has brought many beautiful photos from this trip, a small part of it can be seen in this book of poems.

This first book by Henryk Kaletka is also a triumph of courage, with great difficulty to make their own creative product. It proves that it is possible to realize his dreams, if you believe only extra tight, and never his goal of lose sight of. And it shows that even an older person can still be very active, because his soul is always young.

I enjoyed it a great pleasure, this book along with Henryk Kaletka make. I wish him all the best for his book a big success, it should find many readers!

Beate Forsbach

PS: As any author Henryk happy if many people buy his new book. Henryk's book is to get anywhere in the book trade. Here is the bibliographic information:

Henryk Kaletka: Poems
100 pages, 17x17 cm, with many color photos, ISBN 978-3-8423-4791-5
Books on Demand 2011

I have some books printed, which I sell for Henry, so he saves postage. You can order Henryk's poems for 11,90 EUR in my shop or directly from me postage free.

knowledge in senior citizens' club, seniors, Blog I was told over a cup of tea. As well, if you can cry and sorrow not in the heart closes. This is the way of life, she said the children should feel calm, I am sad. On the way back to Neujellingsdorf I buy three colorful primroses. But please, not outside, the seller says in the nursery! Yesterday I got my bulbs a few weeks ago purchased the tubs used in the garden, the compost was finally thawed. But today, everything was frozen again. Spring will not come so soon this year. But a spring window that you can decorate. Hans Christian sees the colorful flowers did not, he just says over and over that he just does not winter mag. He has the winter blues, sleep in almost a late breakfast, may not talk and eat too much.

lights on our dining table, the beautiful tulips and clover from New Year's Eve is still there. As long as we have never had a lucky clover, I say that has to mean something determined. Hans Christian hums a little. But he is pleased with the birds in the garden looking for food.

Look, I say that would be but the spring was not there! And if there were no winter, then we could but did not so much looking forward to the spring and summer. And we do have already a month the winter done, the days are getting longer now. I tell him about friends who are currently in Majorca to escape the German winter. But there it is cloudy and rainy, but a bit warmer than in Germany.

We live but in a cozy warm house. We can enjoy the winter. Hans Christian is like the afternoon a few hours on his couch. I sit beside the desk and computer work. The hours go by quickly, it is a pleasure to make the project finished, I'm forgotten in the "Flow," move all in my work and got everything else. A nice afternoon! evening we go in our cozy kitchen and I prepare the fish. Hans Christian gets redfish, as always, and I fry the first time fresh green herrings. Yummy! We both feast, I drink to a Franconian white wine. Later we watch a nice movie on TV, go to bed late and sleep late into the weekend.

Now it's getting dark again soon, much earlier than on other days. My friend runs away with her family to a small trip. She looks happy again today as yesterday, where she was crying. Hans Christian dreamed that today we went to a concert. An event, sometimes in concert programs to look Lübeck and Hamburg. New prospects are opening up, a bright spot in a dark winter day. We dream and plan and talk about what we want - a concert with a big orchestra.

I have no winter blues, says Hans Christian. Neither do I. This is new for me this year. I am glad that I can put all my projects and Projektchen in January to plan ready. Even this blog, I wrote in between times fast for you. Against the winter blues!

The beach avenue is this time a minor role, or do you? For some it is a happy reminder of a love, a friendship, or a holiday. For the other, it means the hopes of a good summer, even if you currently may not even think about traveling, because someone is sick. The beach avenue is part of our lives, it is clearly defining and leading us to a destination. It gives us meaning and teaches us useful in all seasons. One has to understand it. And then also goes by the winter blues. Beate Forsbach Neujellingsdorf / Fehmarn, 22 January 2011

PS: So it looked three weeks ago on the beach alley!

beach Allee 2 - Winter Blues in the senior citizens' club on the web


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