Friday, February 11, 2011

Wanted Woman With Boat Card

when people pray ...

... then this is more than a pious exercise, which increases the personal feeling! The world finds it again and again - such as in Egypt! People who pray confess their own weakness and to receive the living God in their lives.

That is the goal of our work, but we are going ... and right now most of the work is that we prepare for the use of weeks. But we are already again the road, just not currently with The Buzz. He is currently in the workshop, some things need to be replaced, but then in the last week of preparation, we start out again. And the team we have received reinforcement: Steffi Rapmund, from Namibia: welcome and God bless you together here for this year with us. Who does not, which is de Mützle with the blue (2nd from right)

The resignation of Egypt's president has impressed me and reminded me of the end of the GDR. Since a hard time has come to an end! And me, the question arises: how people are now in the future? What is now? white

God - and reminds me of that knowledge back to the form of assistance which we Christians can accompany changes in the world alongside some humanitarian best: by defending praying for the people of God.

May not be forget: the end of the GDR has begun in the churches! In the encounter with the living God and in prayer! And I will grade conscious again: without the conversation with the living God, life remains difficult and tough! What am I glad I got to know God and Jesus Christ became the center of my sinful life is!

Oh yes, is a question that I ask again for discussion: Why are people

is often so difficult to turn to in prayer to the Creator? Where it is him who was the first of us to people who looked after us and to this day still looking, we will listen and, gradually one thing: help us so that we get along in this world and go home to him one day can!


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